So, our Intel Induna was announced last week: Jeff Maqethuka was appointed as Director General (DG) of the State Security Agency, Mo Shaik as DG of SASS (foreign intel) and Gibson Njenje as DG of NIA (domestic intel). The minister made a few commitments regarding the restructuring and focus of the new SSA. Read this interesting and well-informed comment from one of our respected journalists. Also, see how many business interests all three have - Maqethuka (14), Njenje (30) and then Shaik of course still heading the infamous Nkobi Holdings of his convicted brother Shabir. The professonalisation of intelligence just got a new meaning - would like to shadow them and see where they get the time and energy to lead our all-important intel community and fulfil their management roles in all the different companies!? I struggle keeping ahead of all the admin & management of only 1!